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Sanfar Foundation Doll Pillow


三發教育基金會於2014年3月正式成立, 將質樸扶弱的觀念放到教育上;重點在藝文教育,人才培育,生涯教育。 期待,穩固下一代的幸福,堅實下一代的成長。並由吉祥物發發蛙開著行動書車旅行,分享各式知識。這一次,我們一起把發發蛙開發成了具有暖手功能的青蛙抱枕,變身成午休、搭車時的得力助手!讓可愛的青蛙玩偶給你滿滿的溫暖~

Sanfar Education Foundation was established in March, 2014. Bring the concept of help and support into education; focus on art and literature education, talent cultivation, and career education. Look forward to create the happiness for the next generation. Far Far frog, their mascot, drives book van to travel and share all kinds of knowledge.

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